What is Executive Functioning?

Executive Functioning (EF) is required in so many daily tasks. Everything from making peanut butter and jelly, to sticking with a workout plan, writing an essay, and even all that is required during social interactions. EF is the ‘project manager’ part of your brain that maintains any goal-directed behavior from small to large tasks. It is working all day, everyday! But for those who may struggle with certain parts of EF like beginning tasks, organizing materials, managing time, being flexible in thinking, and regulating social responses, the difficulties impact daily life. At Scaffolding Pathways, we find the tools and strategies that will work best for your individual child.

Allison Trentman, PhD

Founder & CEO

Dr. Allison Trentman has over 12 years of experience in the education sector, serving in public, charter, and independent schools. As an educational psychologist, she has delivered direct services to students, engaged in compassionate parent consultation, and developed and delivered impactful professional learning to a variety of stakeholders. Dr. Trentman puts student and parent relationships at the center of her work. Executive Functioning is an area of expertise for Dr. Trentman. She makes the neuroscience behind these everyday skills accessible and operational in her coaching, consultation, and workshops. 

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With our coaching and consultation services, your child will thrive.

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